Early experiments. The patient and talented @jazdom13 was kind enough to act as guinea pig in a portrait series I’m embarking on.
Daisy, as solar system.
Loading footage from this weekend’s shoot. Excited to share my first of 2013.
Today, my cousin discovered cornbread.
@garreson - Deadly with a ballpoint pen
Man down. (at Bourgeois Pig)
Smart car.
Ladies (and Gentlemen): the hands of Alex Nelson.
Dilettante. New Years Eve.
Kegger. At Laurel Hardware. Artist unknown.
"Are you trying to say 50mm?” - Bradley Meinz
Since the world went digital I haven’t owned a real camera. Yesterday, after a panic attack, I put aside my fears, bit the bullet, and bought a goddamn camera. I apologize in advance for sticking it in your face.