Time In

Remember when network television sucked and everything that was worth watching was on cable? Well, I save $40 a month because thankfully in the last five years, the tide has turned. 30 Rock, The Office, Modern Family, and Parks and Recreation make up the core of my ‘TV time.’ This year I’ll be adding three more promising new shows to that list. I encourage you to check out the trailers…




Soul Coughing - Screenwriter’s Blues 1994 (get it)

Since I’ve been working at the coffee shop, this song has played off my iPod on random more than normal. I look at all the faces, bathed in the glow of their laptops, and wonder if they’re listing. I wonder if they hear it, and get the joke. Or if they’ve just come to Los Angeles to fuck a model and go to Reseda to die.

As I type this, I realize it is 5am in Los Angeles. And, I hope I’m getting the joke.

He who seeks beauty, will find it.

The greatest runway is the street. And, the New York Times “Eye on the Street” is Bill Cunningham.

Recently featured in a documentary, Cunningham is my favorite type of fashion photographer; he photographs what is. What people are actually wearing now. He goes to the shows, attends the parties, and perches like a bird watcher, patiently waiting on Manhattan’s busiest corners to catch some spectacular burst of color or shape among the dinge and grey. An egalitarian, Bill offers the same space in front of the lens and on the page to both socialite and bag lady. All without judgement. 

To him, beauty is beauty is beauty.

If you get the chance, see Bill Cunningham New York. It might open your eyes a little wider.

On that note, here is a picture of me and Bill Cunningham with his eyes closed.

Lincoln Center, NYC

Ladies and Gentlemen: John Angeles.

Batman wants to grow up to be him.