concert etiquette: 4 reasons why you should put away your camera

One of the most surreal things about touring with Darwin Deez is the ‘instant-replay effect.’ After every show we play, within hours there is game tape on the internet. Surely this ubiquity has assisted the band’s rise in international popularity. It has also allowed us to see our dancing mistakes, and musical missteps. There is a certain joy in this. Nevertheless, when I see someone holding their camera phone above their head for the entire show, I can’t help feeling like they’ve missed it. And that makes me sad.

It’s nice that a member of the audience wants to share their experience after the show. But even nicer: that person experiencing the show with us as we play for them, and the surge of humanity that they are a part of, for a magical moment.

For the audience perspective, Char lays it out in 4…

1. YOU’RE THERE! you are THERE. you were up in the morning three months ago for the presale, you spent $10 on parking, you waited in a long line, security didn’t find the weed in your pocket, you bought a $12 beer, and now, you are in. take in the performance. let it record into your memory….
